its a feast or famine with me, and in this case 2 being my feast! My mojo made a brief appearance, and I made these two, lets hope it hangs around for a while, have something different I want to try, so watch this space! Tfl, mandyxx
Saturday, 5 July 2008
She made 2, LOL!!!!
its a feast or famine with me, and in this case 2 being my feast! My mojo made a brief appearance, and I made these two, lets hope it hangs around for a while, have something different I want to try, so watch this space! Tfl, mandyxx
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I know what you mean Mandy, I'm the same sometimes you just can't get going. I hope to get a bit done after lunch not much else I can do with the rain, I suppose there's always the housework........... Nah that can wait LOL
Love the circle card with the stitching and the owls, they are fab. Are they the new PM stamps??
Mandy, both cards are gorgeous and very creative!
Check my blog, I have something for you! :-)
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