Tuesday, 30 March 2010

new banner..........

***edited to say that I have changed the banner again,  the other one just didnt look right!!!!*** 

and I did it all by myself!!.....well it took me long enough, years to be exact!!!I could not sleep early this morning, so I got up and had some time to sit down and put what I have learned about Photoshop to the test!  I played with layers, masks, opacities, light..... you name it I tried it.....most of it was trial and error, not knowing if what I was doing was right half the time, but I am happy I won against photoshop......I think!!! woohoo at last, I have only been battling it for years but I won today so stick that in your png pipe photoshop!..............quite addictive too, I am liking my newly found digital status so I am going to brave it again! {{hugs}}xx


Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Your banner looks great, Mandy! I *love* the musical notes.

I did the same thing recently with digital scrapbooking elements. It opened up a whole new (dangerous!) world to me.


Kaz said...

Well done you!! The banner looks fab and I am in awe of your diginess. I can't fathom it so actually made mine physically and took a photo! Will you do lessons? xx

Lynnes old blog said...

Oh well done! It looks fab! I couldn't do that in a million years!